knitted glass artwork by Carol Milne available to purchase online

My work is available for sale through me directly, online, or through galleries.  If a piece is listed as available, but does not show up on this page, please contact the artist directly for more information.  Email

Unfinished Business sq_3.jpg
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Unfinished Business"
Bittersweet view 1.jpg
Knitted Glass Sock pair - "Bittersweet"
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Sakura"
It's a Cinch.jpg
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "It's a Cinch"
Who Let the Moths Out_1.jpg
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Who Let the Moths Out?"
Toil & Trouble (3 of 6).jpg
Knitted Glass Sock pair - "Toil & Trouble"
String into Action (2 of 9).jpg
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "String into Action"
Mariner SQ.jpg
Knitted Glass Basket - "Mariner"
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Dumplin'"
Folly 3.jpg
Knitted Glass Bowl - "Folly"
Fyra (1 of 1).JPG
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Gourdgeous Fyra"
Knitted Glass Basket - "Whoop"
Gourdgeous Walora lit 1 square.jpg
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Gourdgeous Walora"
Gourdgeous Shisha lit 1 square.jpg
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Gourdgeous Shisha"
Gourdgeous Zum lit 2 square.jpg
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Gourdgeous Zum"
Noodle around interior.jpg
Inside/Outside Glass Bowl - "Noodle Around"
Swirl (4 of 8).jpg
Knitted Glass Basket - "Swirl"
Fango (1 of 1).JPG
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Gourdgeous Fango"
Hold (3 of 5).jpg
Knitted Glass Basket - "Hold"
Break down 3.jpg
Knitted Glass Tower - "Breakdown"
Drizzle interior.jpg
Inside/Outside Glass Bowl - "Drizzle"
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Hold, Please"
Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Seaweave"
sold out
Eyedolize CAFE.jpg
Illuminated Knitted Glass Sculpture - "Eyedolize"
zoom presentation image.jpg
Zoom Presentation "How Does She Do That?"
knitted book cover.jpg
E-BOOK Carol Milne Knitted Glass by Steve Isaacson
Gift Certificate for Knitted Glass
from $100.00
love front cover.jpg
E-BOOK - In the Name of Love by Carol Milne
front cover.jpg
E-BOOK - Glass Slippers by Carol Milne
front cover with type.jpg
E-BOOK - Knitted Glass: kiln cast lead crystal bowls by Carol Milne