From Damon Crain, gallery owner of Culture Object:
“The title “From Many, One” is the motto of the government of the United States of America, it appears on many official documents and buildings. The motto signifies that government is empowered by the people, through a collaborative democratic process, to determine the leadership and policy direction of the country, states and municipalities. The underlying goal of government is to do the greatest good for the largest possible portion of the population. This exhibition posits that the citizens of the USA could stand to be reminded of the purpose of democratic processes.
Work in the exhibition is selected for its use of processes that demonstrably aggregate smaller elements in order to form a larger, cohesive whole, where the beauty and utility of the whole exceeds that of the parts, where the unity seems unlikely and all the more beautiful and inspiring for it. Woven glass, glued sand, straw marquetry, and other such processes and materials will be exhibited.”